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1. Where did Israel’s Mizrachi Jews come from? * East AsiaWest AfricaEuropeNorth Africa and the Middle East   2. Which areas of Israel were many Mizrachi Jews sent to after moving to Israel? * Jerusalemthe Golan Heightsthe peripheryTel-Aviv and the center   3. Which prime minister was the first to invest in the Mizrahi community? * David Ben-GurionGal GadotLevi EshkolGolda MeirMenachem BeginBatman   4. True or false, Mizrachi Jews faced no bigotry upon arriving in Israel: * TrueFalse   5. Which group of Jews dominated Israeli culture in its early years? * Ethiopian JewsMizrachi JewsAshkenazi JewsSephardi Jews   6. Name one Mizrahi Israeli singer: *   7. Why is Mizrachi music compared to hip hop in America? * the genres are very similar musicallywhat was the challenge to the establishment has become the establishmentboth genres are very politicalboth hip hop and Mizrachi artists are struggling to gain popularity   8. Which one of these famous Israeli singers is of Mizrahi descent? * Zohar ArgovNaomi ShemerIlanitArik EinsteinBenny Dekel   9. Are you a Human or Spy-bot? * 5+9=? Please leave this field empty.   Please leave this field empty. Comments (optional)  
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* =Required Your name: * Your email: *   1. Which of the following musical instruments did Sephardi and Mizrahi immigrants to Israel not bring with them? * QanunOudGuitarDarbuka   2. What are piyutim? * Another name for Jewish sidelocksJewish liturgical poems often used during prayerAnother word for Mizrahi musicPop music in Hebrew   3. Which of the following Israeli artists or groups are not of Ashkenazi origin? * KaveretArik EinsteinZion GolanShlomo Artzi   4. Who were the original king and queen of Mizrahi music? * Omer Adam and Sarit HadadZohar Argov and Ofra HazaBenjamin Netanyahu and Eden Ben ZakenThe Revivo Project and Nasrin Kadri   5. Who is currently Israel’s biggest chart topper (Based on 2021 results)? * Omer AdamEyal GolanHanan Ben AriNoa Kirel   6. Are you a Human or Spy-bot? * 6+7=? Please leave this field empty.
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