Welcome to Elaine and Jason’s Wedding

January 10, 2016
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
This website includes:
Jason’s Musical Memory – Audio from Chagigah Radio
Elaine and Jason’s Favorite Things to do Around Arizona (Info for when you want to visit us!) – Coming Soon
Wedding Ceremony Program (Jason designed and edited it!)
We have been married for….
Engagement Video: | Wedding Video: |
Jason and Elaine's Engagement dance (Shown at wedding with many dancing friends): | Jason and Elaine's Wedding Dance Video: |
Jason and Elaine’s Photo:
Jason & Elaine’s Fun / Favorite places & things to do in Arizona (Coming Soon!)
Jason’s Musical Memory (Aired 1/5/25 on WRSU-Chaggigah Radio)

To view this program (a little bit easier) here is the link.